The Finance Division is responsible for the research, planning and implementation of accounting procedures as required to maintain compliance with federal and state laws and regulations. We also provide support to all agency employees through various functions. Specifically, we administer:
- All divisional and agency budgeting and reporting, including the annual legislative budget request.
- The revenue collections system that enables agency divisions to receive funds related to filings and purchases.
- Federal grants including compliance activities.
- Processing expenditures to all vendors and travel reimbursements to agency employees.
- All contracts and procurements for goods and services.
- Accurate, dependable, and timely service to agency personnel involved in business related travel. This includes training and assistance with policy questions before or after the travel occurs.
- Logistics related to remedying facilities issues at all sos offices.
- Moving office locations and staff as needed and delivering to them supplies and installing equipment.
- External and internal mail services.
- Fixed and non-fixed assets, including management of agency fleet.
- State records rules and regulations including the coordination of digitization and archiving efforts.
- Provide goods and services needed by agency employees to accomplish assigned work
- Maximize the value, efficiency, and transparency of all purchases following established guidelines and policies
Click here to view current procurements.